The mission of Writing for Green is to build the capacity of environmental justice community groups and leaders to win, and effectively manage, grant funding. Our vision is a nonprofit ecosystem in which grant funding is allocated more equitably, creating a ripple effect of improved health and quality of life for those disproportionately impacted by the harms of climate change, environmental degradation, and pollution.
Our Guiding Principles
At Writing for Green, we recognize that the communities hardest hit by the harms of environmental degradation, pollution, and climate change are the same communities that have been historically and systematically excluded from decision-making tables and access to funding pipelines. We recognize that resources to address environmental concerns have been distributed inequitably, under-resourcing the low-wealth and predominantly people-of-color communities that need the funding most. We further recognize that frontline community members know their communities best and must be part of crafting solutions—and that having adequate funding is essential to the process.