About Our
At Writing for Green, we believe in learning by doing. Our training and coaching services are designed to be engaging. If you are expecting a webinar-style experience during which you will be read-to from a slide presentation, you have come to the wrong place. If you want to be challenged ... if you want to improve your existing abilities and learn new, immediately-employable skills and competencies ... we’re here for you!
The Writing for Green team recognizes that everyone comes to the table with unique assets and abilities. Rather than focusing on deficits, we meet participants where they are and leverage the knowledge and skills they already have. If your organization has a good in-house grant writer, we will make that person great. If you are the leader of an emerging community group that’s just getting started with grant fundraising, we will help you hit the ground running.
We reverse-engineered our curriculum in two ways: 1) by defining the core competencies that individuals need in order to write strong proposals, and 2) by dissembling and analyzing our own successful grant writing methodologies. The result is a modular, customizable curriculum that demystifies and makes manageable even the most daunting grant proposal.
Live Trainings
Our full program of grant-writing training consists of ~40 hours of live, virtual learning; participants can opt for the full course or choose the modules they need most.
Personalized Coaching
Though each is available independently, our training program works best when paired with our personalized coaching service, and vice versa.
Self-Directed Grant Writing Training Course
This 20-module video-based course - which is modeled after our live course in substance, style and learning approach - is video-based and highly interactive. It is NOT structured like a webinar! + Read More
Train-the-Trainer Programming
For foundations and EPA-designated Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers (EJ TCTACs), Writing for Green offers train-the-trainer programming to equip staff members to coach and train their own clients and grantees in how to compete for grant funding.
Direct Grant Writing
Does your organization need help crafting a strong application for a specific funding opportunity? Writing for Green has helped our Clients win millions - actually hundreds of millions of dollars. While our role varies - from coaching and project-scoping; to editing and lead-writing - our commitment to detail, and quality, never waivers.
Find out how we can customize a package for your needs
More good news: Writing for Green is developing new programming fast. Online courses are coming soon! For the latest announcements, sign up for our newsletter, below.