Our clients receive the of attention and personalized service
The Writing for Green team has worked with a broad array of clients, from emerging grassroots organizations to some of the country’s most well-known and effective environmental groups. Our work is top-notch, but you don’t have to trust us on this one… here’s what some of our clients have to say!
“In terms of building the capacity of emerging and established EJ organizations to more quickly and effectively raise funds to support their efforts, Writing for Green is the most practical and relevant training and coaching program in the country. The organization’s services are targeted, fun, and engaging, and they are led by some of the most proven and results-driven individuals in the industry.”
- Margot Brown, PhD, Vice President, Justice and Equity, The Environmental Defense Fund
“Writing for Green has created a comprehensive, grounded, and impactful training for both new and established organizations fighting for environmental justice. The founders, Aaron and Courtenay, are among the country’s most effective independent grant writers and are acutely aware of the challenges facing under-resourced EJ organizations. They have been instrumental in helping Deep South win millions of dollars in federal and foundation grant funding in just a few months, and in improving our capacity to win future grants. There is no one I trust more in this field.”
- Beverly L. Wright, PhD, Founder and Executive Director, Deep South Center for Environmental Justice
“Writing for Green is our go-to choice for training and coaching in the grant writing sector. Courtenay has been a critical asset in both expanding our capacity to apply for government and foundation grants. The Writing for Green team is easy to work with and brings to the table a high level of subject matter expertise in environmental justice, along with proven success in writing competitive grant applications that bring in big money.”
- Robert D. Bullard, PhD, Founding Director, Bullard Center for Environmental and Climate Justice
“The grants training workshop was outstanding. It was very well organized, with important teaching principals, and exercises that cemented the teaching into a comprehensive understanding of the grants process. This experience will help many small communities understand the process, and enhance their ability to apply for and win grants in the future.”
- Michael Burns
Founder/Executive Director, Community and College Partners Program